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THE SPEC'd LIST :: Inspiration & Conversation

Writer's picture: SPEC'dSPEC'd

SUMMER 2020 | JUNE Issue



These past few weeks have been powerful.

It's been moving, exhilarating and inspiring to see how each and every one of you opened up on social media, reached out to your communities and shared your stories.

Please keep showing up when it's hard and uncomfortable.

This is a movement, not a moment. 

We're spreading the word about some of our favorite

local organizations we love to support... 



How can we be more present as an ally to the cause? It's not enough to self-educate and then remain on the side lines. We must activate our selves and our inner circle. The ripple affect is powerful... enlightenment is when the wave realizes it's the ocean.

Out-of-state looters have taken hammers and batons to our communities, breaking windows of small businesses and spraying graffiti, using this crisis as an opportunity to tear down black communities. Funds raised will go to support our ongoing operations and efforts to repair small businesses.


Head Space...

These past few weeks have been about consuming information in different forms. Lately it's been long, meditative walks with the Unlocking Us podcast, by researcher and author Brené Brown. She unpacks and explores the ideas from the BLM movement, stories on Transgender rights, and experiences from the bravest moments to the most brokenhearted. Her ability to connect to her guests through being vulnerable has been inspiring!


Reading Corner... 

Last month we expanded our Summer Reading list and launched into Eloquent Rage by Brittney Cooper, aka Professor Crunk. Brittney Cooper is an American author, teacher, activist, and cultural critic. Her areas of research and work include black women organizations, black women intellectuals and hip-hop feminism. 

"Eloquent rage keeps us all honest and accountable. It reminds women that they don't have to settle for less. When Cooper learned of her grandmother's eloquent rage about love, sex, and marriage in an epic and hilarious front-porch confrontation, her life was changed."



To our family and friends that bring so much light and color to our world; we couldn't imagine our life without you. Thank you for being your true self and we love you.

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